Jo has been dyeing, fibre blending and teaching to inspire others since 2017.
Wooliecottage is based in Cumbria on the West Coast of Northern England. It all started from a spark of colour & a desire to learn something new from a time old craft after being diagnosed with fybromyalgia in 2016, this was like a therapy to her finding her confidence & in a strange way come to terms with this condition though it does not stop her building the business over the last 7 years.
That in the last 20 years there has been a resurgence due Wool Fairs becoming accessible also the social media platforms helping to lull new younger people curious in what we are all doing. Keeping old crafts alive & passing knowledge and know how to others is something that comes naturally to Jo that & the fact craft wise she can turn her hand to almost anything crochet, weaving, band weaving , occasionally dabbles in felting recently taught herself to knit. But her passion is teaching.
Inspiring others to just have a go to explore your own personal journey in fibre crafting is very important to Jo & the Wooliecottage ethos.
whether you do it to relax, as a type of therapy from the stresses of life & work, or you love to learn new skills, Jo will always encourage you to have a try & emphasise not to put pressure on being perfect because it takes years to perfect. Even those who have been spinning yarn or weaving for 30-50 years still say there is always a different way to do something or a new technique to understand to just take time enjoy the moment.