Hi All it’s 2024
This year is going to be a busy one for us here at Wooliecottage we have been busy planning new projects, a few collaborations to be announced later in the year.
But first we have ummmed and errred about finding a platform to host workshops which is just a minefield of extra fees and subsidies. That would mean charging more.
So as I have been a member on Patreon for many years as a supporter I thought it would be the perfect platform to use as it’s user friendly albeit takes a few sessions on there to figure out where everything is ie messages/ new videos/ and Q&A 😉
I have put 9 videos on there a few are for paying members only and a selection for free members to get a chance to see what they have can get but do much more as members there are 2 tiers £5.00 a month is Floofers and £3.00 Ewe Marvels. The top tier get first viewing of the new content every week and the 2nd tier gets to watch a week later. Then a good few months later some videos will be posted on my YouTube channel some edited with music. Others such as demonstrations of the story teller art batts will be released about 6 months later.
You will also get exclusive money off discount codes once a month to use on the website.
Once a month a Q&A where you can throw questions queries or anything you like and I will do a video to answer all.
Members get to suggest colours and themes for the current Story Teller Art batt blending series so why don’t you pop over link below and sign up there is a app to down load on your device store free of charge and the first 7 days are free before you commit.